hey,, this one goes to my 2 lovely followers ;**
ur feedback is greatly appreciated ;p

A rush of bliss rushed through every vain in my body,
creating a magical aura around us.
God knows how much I've missed him.
The way he smiles when he looks at me,
how his eyes sparkle while gazing through mine,
the way he wraps his arms around me and whisper softly "I love you" through my ear.
I buried my face in his chest, inhaling his famous scent.
I couldn't believe that my love is actually back,
I couldn't believe that he was actually here, between my arms.
A tear slowly found its way down my cheek as i remembered the darkness i used to live in while he was away.
I tightened my grip around him, fearing that he'd leave me again.
I felt both of his hands reach my face as he held it and wiped my tears away ever so gently,
and with his finger he slowly lifted my chin up so that our eyes met and whispered,
"no more tears, im here now."
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